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Are Seafood Allergies Your Very Own Nemesis

Are Seafood Allergies Your Very Own Nemesis?

Seafood allergy is among the top 9 allergens, meaning it affects many people who suffer from food allergies. While some people have seafood allergies, others only suffer from intolerances, which are less severe compared to allergies. Seafood allergies are rampant in areas where seafood is a main part of people’s diet. That’s why it’s more […]

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7 Effective Food Alternatives To Reduce Intolerance Symptoms

7 Effective Food Alternatives To Reduce Intolerance Symptoms

Food intolerances can significantly impact daily life, causing discomfort, confusion, and sometimes life limiting symptoms. Food intolerances are reported by 15 to 20 percent of the population in the United States. They are common among people with digestive or gastrointestinal disorders, with 50 to 80 per cent reporting consistent problems with certain foods but a […]

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Why Experts Recommend Testing For Food Intolerances

Why Experts Recommend Testing For Food Intolerances

Food and environmental intolerances and sensitivities have become pervasive over the past decade. So many people suffer from intolerance and sensitivities but only realize it after years of symptoms and finally being seen by an allergist. Before discussing intolerance testing, it is incredibly important to understand what an intolerance is and that it is VERY […]

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Raising Awareness On World Thyroid Day

Raising Awareness On World Thyroid Day

World Thyroid Day is a global healthcare event celebrated on May 25th every year. The purpose of World Thyroid Day is to spread education, awareness and recognition of the burden of thyroid disease, the experience of patient with thyroid disease, as well as all of those nationally and internationally that are committed to the study […]

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It's Allergy Awareness Week The Importance Of Being Tested

Allergy Awareness Week: The Importance Of Being Tested

It’s Allergy Awareness Week! More than 100 million people in the US experience various types of allergies each year. Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the US. The cost of allergies is close to $29 billion dollars, with nasal allergies comprising $3-$4 billion each year, and food allergies about $25 billion […]

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81 million people have been diagnosed with seasonal allergic rhinitis

Spring will be here soon… but so will seasonal allergies!

The cold winter and weather are coming to an end, and spring is coming. Yay! But that also means Spring allergies and intolerances will be making an appearance. For so many, this can cause a lot of anticipatory stress of unpleasant seasonal symptoms like coughing, sneezing, congestion, swollen and watery eyes, wheezing, hives, itching, sinus […]

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How To Extinguish Chronic Inflammation!

How To Extinguish Chronic Inflammation!

We hear the word inflammation a lot. By definition, inflammation is a condition in the body that causes redness, swelling, heat and pain as a reaction to injury and infection. We often think of inflammation as a bad thing. However, let’s take a deeper look at inflammation, what it does, and why sometimes it’s good […]

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