News has been breaking around America that treating eczema in infancy could help prevent food allergies in adulthood. Apparently, research is indicating that this eventually could be true! How amazing would that be? Infants who develop eczema are actually more likely to develop food allergies, asthma and even hay fever as they grow older… Did you know that?
What can you do to treat eczema?
Well, identifying that your child is suffering from eczema and discovering which items are triggering the reaction would be a big step in the right direction. Looking through the grocery store and online, moisturizers would be a great help in defeating eczema. note that a leading Pediatrician in allergy and clinical immunology stated that itching and dry cracked skin of eczema patients is a significant indicator of the atopic march.
Case studies
In the news article, an individual states that they had a first-hand view of the atopic march. Starting with eczema, it was first spotted when she was just six weeks old. In a desperate attempt to keep her skin rashes and inflammation under control, they made a discovery that the six-year-old baby had a raft of food allergies. The hospital was able to diagnose that the young child was in fact suffering from a peanut allergy and shellfish allergy. When she started growing into adulthood, the child developed exercise-induced asthma. This, as research has shown, is not uncommon.
What other symptoms indicate an allergy?
Other symptoms which indicate an allergy include wheezing, coughing, nausea and stomach issues like constipation and bloating. The issue is, however, that bloating and other stomach issues can also be confused with symptoms of intolerance. This is something you need to be careful about. Food intolerances do not tend to cause symptoms like skin rashes and eczema, but it is always worth double-checking with either an allergy test or an intolerance test.
if you are found to have an allergy, then we must insist that you consult a doctor immediately as it could be life-threatening.
For more information on allergy testing, intolerance testing or an elimination diet then please log on to and find out exactly how we can help you.