It is believed that as much as 40% of the world’s population suffers with allergies, which can manifest themselves as sinus problems, irritation of the soft tissues of the eyes, nose and throat or as a one of a range of unpleasant physical reactions to whatever it is the individual has a sensitivity to.
What doesn’t get so much press however, is the fatigue and overall lethargy that can comes either as a side effect of the allergy or as part of the medicating process to combat the symptoms. The reason for this is that it is so easily confusable with general tiredness, which is a paradigm of the modern age, many of us leading hectic lives that can really leave you drained.
How Does it Happen?
Fatigue can come as a symptom of your body trying to deal with the substance or food that it is has a reaction to, but it can also be caused when the allergic reaction includes problems with breathing, causing the sufferer to lose sleep. This added strain can further depress the immune system, exacerbating the issue.
Finding the Cause
As tiredness can be an underlying symptom of a number of different conditions, it is a very good idea to try and locate the source of the problem, particularly if it persists for an extended period. A great first step on the road to decreased fatigue, is to see if you’re allergic to something The list of potential triggers is long and varied and you could have a problem with something, even if you don’t know about it.
At AllergyTest, we offer affordable, non-invasive tests that can uncover the key factors that are causing you problems. We encounter countless cases where a customer discovers they have an allergy or an intolerance that they had no prior knowledge of and avoiding that trigger has had life-changing effects.
If you’d like to find out more, come and visit our website You can even have a live chat with one of our friendly expert team if you have any questions about it.
Fatigue can be the result of taking some brands of antihistamines, which are known to cause drowsiness, like diphenhydramine. If this is the case, then we’d recommend to one of the non-drowsy antihistamines, such as cetirizine hydrochloride or Claritin.
Sleep can also be improved for some by using nasal steroid sprays that open the airways and stop apnoea like symptoms from occuring. However, it must be noted that this kind of medicine needs to be used every day for it to become effective.
Also, there is a known issue with some decongestants, creating mild insomnia. The active ingredients in this type of medication can have a stimulating effect, meaning they shouldn’t be taken directly before bed.
In Summary
Some allergies are hard to avoid, particularly if it is to something ubiquitous in everyone’s daily lives, but there are quite a few things you can do to stop it affecting your energy levels and making everything seem much worse. Finding your triggers can be so illuminating and it has enabled many to take back control of their lives and their allergies.
Of course, it could be that you just need more sleep than you’re getting, but if there is a chance that your day to day fatigue is being caused by an allergen and it could come to an end with a few minor adjustments to your lifestyle, it’s got to be worth a look, hasn’t it?
Tired of being tired? Come and see what we’ve got to offer.