Posts by Cris West:
31 Jan 2020 | Allergies, Blog
There are specific allergies that most people are familiar with; pollen, nuts, eggs, dairy, cat hair, dog hair, etc. The odds are you’ve probably met someone in your life who has at least one of those we mentioned. You might even have one of them yourself. You might have just worked it out over the […]
28 Jan 2020 | Blog, Intolerances
Getting a full picture of your health means that you need to take the time to get the different tests done. You know the basic medical ones, including blood pressure, heart rate, BMI, and so on. But what about the less critical tiers? Understanding yourself as a full person means having an understanding of what […]
17 Dec 2019 | Allergies, Blog, Other Conditions
Acne is one of those things that causes nothing but annoyance around the world. Often, we’re told that breakouts are from wearing oil-based cosmetics, stress, or eating bad food. It’s also possible that acne can be caused by a food allergy or a food sensitivity. Before you blame your favorite cosmetic or your mountain of […]
16 Dec 2019 | Allergies, Blog
The increasing ease with which we treat allergic rhinitis (hayfever) can betray the fact that, once, we had no idea what was causing the symptoms that we now know to be synonymous with hayfever. The journey to this point has been long and has seen more than its share of casualties. While we do not […]
12 Dec 2019 | Allergies, Blog
Allergy testing is a very specific process when it is done through the traditional skin prick method. Since this test is done on the skin, and it gives you your results based on how your skin itself reacts. It’s thought that skin prick tests aren’t the most accurate way to test allergies (in comparison to […]
03 Dec 2019 | Blog, Intolerances
Finding out that you have a food intolerance is one thing, but what about the actual process of discovering that you have one? When it comes to an intolerance, you often will attribute your symptoms to other things, especially when you aren’t really paying attention to them in the first place. However, you may be […]
03 Aug 2019 | Allergies, Blog
At Allergy Test, we receive a range of questions about our allergy testing processes, and we thought we would put together an article explaining all the questions that we constantly get asked. Take a look below at the questions that we usually get asked: 1) How do I take my own hair sample? In our […]
31 Jul 2019 | Allergies, Blog, Intolerances
There are so many different things you learn about your allergies every day. but if you are one of the 15 million Americans around the world suffering from a food allergies and intolerances every day, then we understand your frustration. Trying to figure out which foods are causing your allergy symptoms is tiring, upsetting and […]